Our Story

Born and raised in Northern Wisconsin, brothers Ross and Ryan Jirgl were influenced early in life by their strong Scandinavian & Nordic heritage. A combination of harsh midwestern winters, accompanied by a strong blue-collar upbringing had a great effect on many of the traits and characteristics the boys would learn and carry with them throughout their lives. 

A close relationship from their Finnish grandmother exposed them early to the term SISU. Better defined as; extraordinary determination in the face of extreme adversity, and courage that is presented typically in situations where success is unlikely. It expresses itself in taking action against the odds, and displaying courage and resoluteness held in reserve for hard times. 

The word would encapsulate their childhood and young adulthood for the boys, and carry with them throughout chapters and periods of their lives. Deeply rooted with love, compassion for family and respect for their grandmother, has led them to pay homage with the introduction of their SISU Brand Coffee. A brand that not only stands to represent a strong commitment to an extremely high standard of quality and taste, but also an understanding, an invigorating push of encouragement through each sip to courageously attack each new day.

From our family to yours,

Ross & Ryan Jirgl

Our Mission

The brothers have a very special place in their hearts for charity, in particular, the Special Olympics.  They grew up volunteering with the Special Olympics in Wisconsin every year for the organization’s Summer and Winter games. They saw the Special Olympic athletes find a place for belonging within the athletic arena. They witnessed the camaraderie amongst their teammates as well as their competitors and they watched as they celebrated the joy of victory and felt the heartbreak in the agony of defeat. Witnessing moments when an athlete had nothing left, but their Sisu.

Being able to compete in athletics is an opportunity everyone should have the joy of experiencing. They believe that setting goals, choosing challenges while striving to conquer them and pursuing excellence within the spirit of competition is a worthwhile endeavor. Providing that experience to people of all walks of life, and especially, Special Olympics is a pursuit that is near and dear to them and one that they believe is also a worthwhile endeavor.

That’s why a portion of the profit from every bag goes to supporting Special Olympics and ensuring those opportunities will always be there for the athletes who wish to compete.

In the spirit of competition, and all the Sisu they have,

Ross and Ryan Jirgl